Nickelodeon school days.

PositionWhat's New? - Back to school supplies from JAKKS Pacific Inc. - Brief Article

Summer's on the wane, and parents everywhere are chanting their favorite time-honored mantra: Back to school! For kids, especially the young ones, the return trip to academia doesn't have to be a drag, especially if they can learn the three R's replete with Nickelodeon emblazoned school supplies from Jakks Pacific Inc., Malibu, Calif.

In our house, at least, the overwhelming consensus (and that includes Dad) is that "SpongeBob SquarePants" is the best show on TV ("Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" notwithstanding). While we can't go to work with a SpongeBob lunchbox ($9.99), stick'em pads ($1.99), pencil pouch ($3.99), or composition notebook ($1.99)--well, I guess maybe we could on Casual Fridays--the kids sure can tote these items to school, with great glee, we might add. And why not? What kid wouldn't want a composition book replete with SpongeBob SquarePants scenes and sayings on the cover as opposed to those staid old marble cover designs we parents grew up with. The Pencil Pouch is...

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