Into the Metaverse

* The metaverse is a 3D, virtual world created by extended reality and accessed with computers and headsets. Once a concept only realized in science fiction, the services are looking to leverage the technology to create immersive training environments.

Air Force Simulators

* Air Force Education and Training Command leaders speak about future opportunities and trends in high-fidelity synthetic trainers.

Army Training Environment

* The Army's program executive officer for simulation, training and instrumentation gives an update on where the PEO is on its modernization efforts and where the service is going on synthetic environments.

Air Force Jet Trainer

* The new T-7A Red Hawk jet trainer--intended to replace the T-38C Talon trainer--made its public debut earlier this year. Next month, National Defense will take a deep dive into the latest news on the aircraft's development from the industry team leading the effort.

Navy Laser Power

* The Navy's high-energy laser with integrated optical-dazzler and surveillance, or HELIOS, is setting sail on warships...

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