News from the CBA, Local Bars, and More, 0721 COBJ, Vol. 50, No. 7 Pg. 58

PositionVol. 50, 7 [Page 58]

50 Colo.Law. 58

News from the CBA, Local Bars, and More

Vol. 50, No. 7 [Page 58]

Colorado Lawyer

July, 2021



Bar News is a monthly compilation of news from the CBA, including sections and committees, administration, and local and specialty bar associations. It also includes notices of activities—past, present, and future—from local and national law-related organizations and groups.

Wine Days

The CBA Young Lawyers Division hosted its first annual wine and bike tour on May 15. Forty Colorado attorneys enjoyed a lovely day of wine tasting and biking around the orchards and wineries of Palisade in Western Colorado. The bikers tasted wines from Colterris Winery, St. Kathryn Cellars, Talon Winery, and Grande River Vineyards. This event was co-sponsored by the CBA YLD and Dufford Waldeck, a Grand Junction law firm.

Mea Culpa to Our Past Presidents

The June "Profiles in Success" column honoring Ben Aisenberg incorrectly identified former CBA President Judge Carlos Lucero as the past president standing with Ben in the photo here. In fact, the gentleman pictured with Ben is the late Don Cordova, a former president of the Denver and Colorado Hispanic Bar Associations. Colorado Lawyer apologizes for the error. The online issue contained the correct caption: remembering-ben-aisenberg.


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