News from the CBA, Local Bars, and More, 0920 COBJ, Vol. 49, No. 8 Pg. 66
Position | Vol. 49, 8 [Page 66] |
August, 2020
Bar News is a monthly compilation of news from the CBA, including sections and committees, administration, and local and specialty bar associations. It also includes notices of activities—past, present, and future—from local and national law-related organizations and groups.
CBA Presidential Visits Go Virtual
CBA President Kathleen Hearn Croshal wrapped up her presidential term with virtual visits to the Continental Divide Bar Association and the 16th and Southeastern Colorado Bar Associations.
The Continental Divide Bar Association visit kicked off with remarks from local bar president Braden Angel. Croshal then spoke to members about the CBA’s current initiatives, such as the Greater Colorado Task Force, the Young Lawyer Task Force, and various projects centering around disaster legal services. In addition, CBA Director of Communications Heather Folker filled members in on some of the CBA’s newest benefits, including the CBA’s two new podcasts and Colorado Lawyer’s new website (coming soon!).
At the Southeastern and 16th JD Bar’s joint visit, Croshal delivered remarks on her presidential year. She highlighted the reauthorization of the CBA’s Strategic Plan, shared updates on the planning efforts of the Greater Colorado Task Force, gave a rundown of the recent Board of Governor’s meeting, and welcomed local bar engagement through CBA Community. Connecting more broadly with Greater Colorado remains a CBA priority, and upcoming CBA programming plans with the Southeastern and 16th JD Bar Associations include a legislative visit and recap of the 2020 Legislative Session.
Bench-Bar Conference
On June 24, the Fourth Judicial District Court partnered with the El Paso County Bar Association and the Ben S. Wendelken Inn of Court to host a live/virtual bench and bar conference. Participants discussed the future of court operations in light of COVID-19 and how to improve court operations during the pandemic
CBA YLD Wellness Program
In June, members who participated in all three of the YLD’s virtual wellness programs were entered into a drawing to receive gift cards. The lucky winners were Lauren Roberts and Morgan Paterson, who each shared what they like about the virtual series. Roberts said she enjoys trying new workouts and discovering new local fitness studios, while Paterson said she likes having a set time each week to work out with other young lawyers, which helps her deal with the isolation of working from home
2020 Pro Bono Stars
The Denver Bar Association’s Access to Justice Committee has named the following individuals as 2020 Pro Bono Stars for their outstanding pro bono contributions to the Denver legal community, both during COVID-19 and beyond:
■ Jim Aab, Aab & Botts LLC ...
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