New Year's Resolutions Can Start a Little Late.


Even a modest weight loss of five to 10 pounds is likely to produce health benefits, including better blood pressure readings and lower sugar levels, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"Choose right now to get your weight under control," urges Michael Stern, founder of the Seattle (Wash.) Weight Loss Center. "Many people gained weight throughout the pandemic, and each new year brings with it the motivation to make changes."

Those who make a New Year's resolution to lose weight--even if their efforts do not start right on Jan. 1--are far more successful than those who do not, according to research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology. Here are tips on how to lose weight:

* See the connections beyond the fork. A lot of people who diet only look at what they are eating. Yet, there are things that may be eating them, leading them to eat more due to being stressed out. When we get upset, anxious, or bored, we may have habits that lead us to eat more or to eat unhealthy foods. Becoming more mindful about eating and lifestyle habits can help give you long-term success. Meditation also can go a long way toward helping to create a healthier lifestyle.

* Find what works for you. We are all unique and have different needs. We cannot all consume and burn the same...

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