New! Report on M&A Plans released.

PositionFERF NEWS & RESEARCH - Acquisitions and mergers

As a follow-up to last year's M&A Plans and Other Strategic Growth Initiatives report, Financial Executives Research Foundation (FERF) again collaborated with Merrill DataSite [TM] to determine how M&A deal flow is recovering in the post-recession period and released M&A Deal Flow in the Post-Recessionary Period.

During an April 1, 2010 roundtable teleconference, participants discussed the demand for investment banking services, particularly as it relates to M & A, the motivations of current buyers and sellers, trends in deal structure--such as pricing and financing--and deal characteristics--such as the nature of due diligence. The session concluded with a discussion of the outlook for the M & A market.

Roundtable participants were in general agreement regarding the following:

* There is a perception that this recession will be longer and deeper than most previous recessions.

* There is concern about a Double-Dip recession (a "W" recession).

* Not only is there the recession, but also a credit crunch (similar to the early 1990s).

* Seller confidentiality and cultural fit are important regardless of M & A deal flow.

* Costs of enhanced re-regulation, which often falls disproportionately on small...

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