New Freshwater Aquaculture Systems in the Red River Delta of Vietnam: Evolution of a Key Role in Food Systems and Rural Development

Date01 March 2017
AuthorNguyen Van Huong,Tran Huu Cuong,Philippe Lebailly,Tran Thi Nang Thu
Published date01 March 2017
New Freshwater Aquaculture Systems
in the Red River Delta of Vietnam:
Evolution of a Key Role in Food
Systems and Rural Development
Nguyen Van Huong1,2, Tran Huu Cuong2,
Tran i Nang u3, and Philippe Lebailly2
Freshwater aquaculture production systems are closely related to
Integrated Agriculture Aquaculture systems. e systems are tradi-
tionally integrated with crop production, horticulture, and livestock
husbandry. Improved aquaculture systems are currently able to not
only improve the nutrients of local farmers’ diets and economic
conditions, but are also able to create employment opportunities
and lead to better resource-utilization and rural development. is
paper aims to present the changes in food systems aected by the
rapidly developing freshwater aquaculture in northern Vietnam. It
will shed light on how the aquaculture system plays various roles in
supporting agrarian livelihoods, their relationships to well-being,
and food security using a clear example of small-scale aquaculture
in a province of the Red River Delta. e challenges and opportu-
nities presented to small-scale producers and culture systems are
assessed, and the likely future of small-scale freshwater production
systems is discussed and forecast.
Combining historical, adaptive, and systematic approaches, the
study revealed the features and characteristics of inland aquaculture
systems at the household level over a decade of the evolutionary
process (1997–2015). By investigating 151 aquaculture households
in two representative districts of the region, the three existing sys-
tems are identied: VAC system (23%) (whereby V=vuon-gardens
(horticulture), A=Ao-ponds (aquaculture) and C=Chuong-animal
1 Faculty of Accounting and Business Management, Vietnam National University of Agriculture,
Hanoi, Vietnam
2 G embloux Agro BioTech, University of Liège, Belgium
3 Faculty of Fisheries, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi, Vietnam
World Food Policy • Vol. 3, No. 2 / Vol. 4, No. 1 • Fall 2016 / Spring 2017
doi: 10.18278/wfp.
World Food Policy
sheds/pens (livestock husbandry)); aquaculture/livestock (AF) sys-
tem (43%); and the commercially intensive sh culture (FS) system
(34%). Beyond the positive benets to the food system and rural
development, potential considerably exists for further aquaculture
integration within VAC systems in the region, which will contrib-
ute to poverty reduction and improvement of the livelihoods of
small-scale rural farmers.
Keywords: Freshwater aquaculture, production, systems, food, ru-
ral development
Los sistemas de acuacultura de agua dulce están muy relaciona-
dos con los sistemas integrados de acuacultura de agricultura. Los
sistemas están tradicionalmente integrados con la producción de
plantaciones, horticultura y la cría de ganado. Los sistemas de agri-
cultura mejorada pueden actualmente no solo mejorar los nutrien-
tes de las dietas de granjeros locales y las condiciones económicas,
sino que también pueden crear oportunidades de empleo y llevar
a una mejor utilización de recursos y desarrollo rural. Este docu-
mento busca presentar los cambios de sistemas alimenticios cau-
sados por la acuacultura de agua dulce que se está desarrollando
rápidamente en el norte de Vietnam. Resaltará cómo el Sistema de
acuacultura juega varios papeles para apoyar la subsistencia de los
agricultores, sus relaciones al bienestar y la seguridad alimenticia
al utilizar un claro ejemplo de acuacultura a pequeña escala en una
provincia del delta del Río Rojo. Los desafíos y oportunidades que
se le presentan a los productores a pequeña escala y a los sistemas
culturales son evaluados, y el futuro probable de los sistemas de
producción de agua dulce a pequeña escala se discute y predice.
Al combinar los acercamientos históricos, adaptativos y acerca-
mientos sistemáticos, el estudio reveló las funciones y caracterís-
ticas de los sistemas de acuacultura en zonas interiores, a nivel de
hogar y a lo largo de una década del proceso evolutivo (1997-2015).
Al investigar 151 hogares acuacultores en dos distritos representa-
tivos de la región, los tres sistemas existentes se identican: Sistema
VAC (23%) (donde V=jardines Vuon (horticultura)), A=estanques

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