New approaches to risk and liability

AuthorJanelle Orsi
ProfessionIs the Director of the national nonprofit Sustainable Economies Law Center, and she is a 'sharing lawyer' in private law practice in Oakland, CA
Loss Is Scary, but Uncertainty Is Scarier
Sharing is society’s most promising form of social security. Sharing
reduces burdens on individuals and spreads risks and responsibilities
among many. On the flip side, however, sharing triggers some of our
greatest insecurit ies. A basic fact about the sharing economy is that the
more people share, the more we expose each other to risk. Fears about
loss and liability often dominate people’s thoughts as they contemplate
the formation of agreements and organ izations to share.
However, loss and liability are, themselves, probably not what scare
people the most. What is really scar y is the uncertainty about how we will
respond to them. Time magaz ine once started an article by saying: “The
brain loathes uncertainty. In laboratory experiments, humans actually
fear uncertainty more than physical pain.”1 Although the article didn’t
actually cite t he studies (leaving us, ironically, uncertain about their
reliability), there is somethi ng that rings quite true about th is statement.
For example, I’ve learned that fender benders are a breeze. This
is not to say that they are pleasant or cheap; they are, however, some-
what predictable because car insurance companies have plans and pro-
cedures in place for responding to t hen. Social custom also d ictates our
1. Amanda Ripley, Learning to Live with the Fear of the Flu, T, Sept . 22, 2009.
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response—we get out of our vehicles, make su re everyone is all right,
and trade contact and insu rance information. Many people handle all of
it with confidence and grace.
In the shari ng economy, what are the plans, procedures, and cus-
toms that will d ictate how we respond to loss? Further, how will we
manage it with the same conf idence and grace we’ve learned to apply
elsewhere? These questions have yet to be answered thoroughly for
many things we’ll do in the sharing economy, since so much of it is new
to us. For example, if we are paying a neighbor to regularly borrow her
car, how do we handle a situation where we cause a fender bender and
how will insur ance companies handle it?
The sharing economy demands thoughtful and creative risk man-
agement. First, this means taking steps to decrease risk of loss and to
mitigate its impact. Second, and importantly, thorough planning can
dramatical ly reduce the uncertainty of how we will respond and how we
will restore what is lost. By elimi nating a large amount of uncert ainty,
thoughtful risk management will open up doors and open up minds to
a more sharing society.
Its important to acknowledge, however, that risk management in
the sharing economy is still largely unchar ted territory. The primary
purpose of this chapter is to highlight some of the unique chal lenges
sharing economy lawyers may face and to provide some guidance in
think ing through t he issues. Nevertheless, there remains a vast field to
explore and many best practices to develop.
Taking Risks in a Sharing Economy
Here are some examples of ways that we commonly expose ourselves to
risk in the shar ing economy, along with some of the questions t hat come
up in connection:
1. Lending our things: By borrowing and lending thi ngs like cars,
electronics, equipment, and tools, people make opt imal use of
resources we have, and greatly reduce our needs to buy a nd own
consumer goods. Instead of letti ng our car sit in the driveway all
day, we might let a neighbor regularly borrow it. However, this
brings up uncertainties: What happens if t here’s an accident? Is
the neighbor covered by our insurance? W ho should be respon-
sible for out-of pocket costs? Should fault matter?
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