New administrative portal allows banks to track Cre8 My Card trends.


A NEW ADMINISTRATIVE PORTAL HAS BEEN DEVELOPED for Cre8 My Card, a Web and mobile application that equips financial institutions with personalized payment card development capabilities. The application is provided by T8 Web ware, Cedars Falls, Iowa.

The administrative portal gives banks and resellers management, analytical insight and reporting capabilities of product performance at an institutional as well as branch level. Cre8 My Card deployers can now monitor the number of cards generated, from where images are uploaded as well as volume of approved and denied designs. Having the ability to administer and track the statistical progress of card adoption gives institutions complete visibility into how to focus promotions and cross-sell other services among various channels and demographic segments. They can also track penetration of personalized cards over time and examine how card adoption relates to additional account acquisition.

"Providing a higher degree of administrative functionality gives institutions insight to product acceptance and trending on a micro level to then better focus additional adoption initiatives " says Wade Arnold, CEO.

The portal otters centralized...

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