Net-Zero by 2050: How Should We Achieve a Carbon-Free U.S. Economy?

54 | THE ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM Reprinted by permission from The Environmental Forum®, September/October 2021.
Copyright © 2021, Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, D.C.
Net-Zero by 2050: How Should We
Achieve a Carbon-Free U.S. Economy?
President Biden has called for the United
States to achieve net-zero greenhouse
gas emissions by 2050, with interim tar-
gets of 50-52 percent reduction by 2030 and
an entirely carbon-free power sector by 2035.
Just two years prior, ELI Press published
  
 a compendium of over a thou-
sand legal options for the United States to
rapidly reduce emissions. This “legal play-
book” outlines many of the actions needed
to achieve the president’s ambitious climate
action goals.
All but eliminating the use of fossil fuels will
from internal combustion engines to electric
motors; heating buildings with electricity rath-
er than oil or gas; slashing industrial emissions;
and eliminating the use of coal and perhaps
natural gas to generate electricity. The de-
mand for electricity would soar while most
existing supplies would be cut. Biden wants to
achieve this transformation in the context of
racial equity and good-paying union jobs. This
is a huge undertaking, requiring excellent gov-
ernance going forward.
While   serves as a useful
starting point for discussions on achieving net-
zero emissions, by no means is it exhaustive.
We invite back one of the book’s editors, Mi-
chael Gerrard, along with three other expert
commentators, to weigh in on Biden’s goals.
We are asking these experts, What policy
mix would be the best at achieving the admin-
istration’s many and diverse goals? What tools
do we have at hand? What tools do we need
to create — and how?
Many policies have been proposed — car-
bon taxes, cap and trade, technology or per-
formance standards, research and develop-
ment, carbon capture and sequestration, pub-
lic works programs, planting forests. There
are no doubt other approaches as well. Which
uitably reach a zero-carbon future and achieve
the president’s other climate change goals?

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