Why should I care about social media? Remember when the Internet was a nerd thing that some people expected to be just a fad? Today, the Internet is a core part of business and life that's constantly evolving. Welcome to the age of "social media.".

AuthorJenkins, Chris


Social media describes new ways people are using the Internet to share information and connect with each other. Most sites involve creating a profile and then linking to and interacting with other people. Think of it as the world's largest, 24/7 networking event. Admission is free, and the event is guaranteed to be packed wall-to-wall. You'll have the opportunity to meet new contacts and catch-up with old ones, all while sitting comfortably in your own home or office. You have the benefits of networking without awkwardly balancing cocktail napkins and messy appetizers.

The online explosion of social media is changing customer relationships, marketing, and businesses forever. Online social activity isn't a new concept. It's been around for years. I can remember the thrill of being a system operator or "sysop" for several bulletin board systems in the early '90s. Ease of use and platforms with customizable coding have brought a new life to this community concept.

If you need proof, just consider the estimated number of global social media users. Current reports claim that approximately 630 million people are using social media, with that number expected to exceed 1 billion by 2012. That's a huge networking opportunity and a reason to be aware of what's going on.

You might notice that I keep using the term "networking." Social networking is all about building relationships. It's not about technology.

Social media tools allow business owners to reach out to a community and present information. More importantly, it gives them the opportunity to listen. We all know the rules of engagement when meeting people. Blindly walking up to people and making a pitch doesn't work. To be successful, two-way communication must involve mutually interested--and interesting--parties.

We also understand the importance of relationships and word-of-mouth referrals. The same rules apply when using social media tools. It's not a marketing engine, it's about relationship building. Social media empowers us to build our networks around the clock, get feedback instantly, and be aware of the customer's state of mind. Don't think of social media as a technology, but instead as a new way to do what we've all done: network.

Still don't believe me? Let me offer a real life example of networking. A member of my network, whom I've never met in person, recently requested my opinion regarding a conference. She wasn't interested in registering; she was deciding whether to sponsor the event. She's using the power of the crowd to help make her purchasing decision.


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