NCSL: Washington still shifting costs to states.

PositionNews & Numbers

The cost of implementing federally mandated programs to state governments will reach more than $29 billion in fiscal year 2004, according to a new report from the National Conference of State Legislatures. NCSL is launching a renewed campaign against unfunded federal mandates, the first such campaign since the enactment of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995.

"Although the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act has been effective in curtailing some forms of unfunded mandates, Congress and the administration have continued to shift the cost of many major policy initiatives to the states," said Utah House Speaker Marty Stephens, president of NCSL. "In so doing, states' own budget choices and priorities are being supplanted by federal spending priorities."

A key component of the state lawmakers' campaign is the revival of NCSUs Mandate Monitor: This publication was used extensively in the early 1990s as a means to track proposed federal legislation that would have a negative financial impact on state governments.

The first installment of the new Mandate Monitor shows states will be forced to spend nearly 6 percent of their general fund revenues during fiscal year 2004 on federally mandated programs. The cost climbs to 7 percent in fiscal 2005.

The report shows that although the enactment of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act has slowed the tide of unfunded mandates, states still must foot the bill for several...

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