The PCPS/TSCPA National MAP Survey and your firm: perfect together.


As one of the charts you'll find in this issue says, when it comes to CPA firm growth, flat is the new up. That's one clear takeaway from the 2010 PCPS/TSCPA National MAP Survey, but the results offer a long list of insights about the state of practice today. This excellent benchmarking tool gives practitioners a unique opportunity to take the pulse of CPA firms, providing information about financial results, and client and staffing policies, among other data. It also offers insights into how CPAs and their clients are weathering the recession. PCPS members have exclusive access to a wealth of survey details, so don't hesitate to put this powerful tool to work in your practice.

What can the National MAP Survey tell you about your firm? It provides an overview of firm growth, partner income, staff compensation, utilization and realization rates, and much more. In addition to overall national averages, the numbers in each area are broken down by firm size and by region, making it easier to compare your firm to comparable practices.

Not sure how to get started? The 2010 National MAP Survey Commentary covers the highlights, summarizing key details and analyzing what they mean for the profession. It provides a good introduction to this year's survey results. Check the PCPS site for details.

Informative Client Brochures Interpret Important New Legislation

Clients rely on their CPAs for updates on how new laws will affect them. With that in mind, PCPS has created several client brochures that practitioners can use to explain recent legislation, when important provisions will be enacted and the implications for individuals or companies.

* "Small Business Jobs Act of 2010: A Stimulus for the Rest of Us" covers tax relief and investment incentives, as well as changes in the U.S. Small Business Administration loan program.

* "The 2010 Health Care Reform Legislation and Your Business" features extensive timelines and descriptions of provisions as they affect large and small employers.

* "Timelines of the 2010 Health Care Reform Legislation" maps out the impact on individuals over the next several years, and includes detailed descriptions of positive and less beneficial implications. All three downloadable brochures contain practical and understandable descriptions of the information clients need to know. Each one features a customizable space that firms can use for their own logos. For both pieces of legislation, PCPS has also developed PowerPoint...

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