National guard to create new disaster response teams.

AuthorMagnuson, Stew


The National Guard is creating new response teams to help states cope with catastrophic disasters, said an Army National Guard official.

The first "domestic all--hazards response teams" will be tapped next year to respond to some of the 15 national disaster planning scenarios.

One division will be assigned to states east of the Mississippi and one west of the Mississippi, Col. Hank Amato, chief of operations for the Army National Guard, said at the Association of the United States Army conference.

These are catastrophic events that would overwhelm local authorities and require a federal response. Scenarios include nuclear detonation, anthrax, chemical and high explosives attacks. The list also includes natural disasters such as major hurricanes and pandemic influenza. Except for hurricanes, there is "little confidence" that the nation will be able to respond to these catastrophes, Amato said.

The National Guard has some units devoted to responding to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear attacks. "What we didn't have ... was some forethought and some planning for any hazard that could befall the nation," he said.

Not that there isn't planning for catastrophes, but these revolve around "what you think you know that's going happen," he said. The teams will respond to the unpredictable.

The Guard will "take...

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