NASA puts satellite eyes on algal blooms.

PositionWater Supply

NASA has joined forces with the Environmental Protection Agency, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and U.S. Geological Survey to transform satellite data designed to probe ocean biology into information that will help protect the American public from harmful freshwater algal blooms.

Algal blooms are a worldwide environmental problem-causing human and animal health risks, fish kills, and taste and odor in drinking water. In the U.S., the cost of freshwater degraded by harmful algal blooms is estimated at $64,000,000 annually. In August 2014, officials in Toledo, Ohio, banned the use of drinking water supplied to more than 400,000 residents after it was contaminated by an algal bloom in Lake Erie.

The multi-agency effort will use ocean color satellite data to develop an early warning indicator for toxic and nuisance algal blooms in freshwater systems and an information distribution system to aid expedient public health advisories.

Ocean color satellite data from NASA's Aqua, the USGS-NASA Landsat, and the European Space Agency's Sentinel-2 and -3 currently are available to scientists, but are not routinely processed and produced in formats that help state and local environmental and water quality managers. Through this project, satellite data on harmful algal blooms developed by the partner agencies will be converted to a format that stakeholders can use through mobile devices and web portals.

"Observations from space-based instruments are an ideal way...

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