The Myth of Choice: Personal Responsibility in a World of Limits.

The Myth of Choice: Personal Responsibility in a World of Limits

By Kent Greenfield

In The Myth of Choice, law professor Kent Greenfield shows that the so-called choices that confront us daily are often not choices at all. In a culturally-savvy discourse, Greenfield demonstrates how many of our decisions are constrained by biological, economical, and cultural influences.

Greenfield, a former clerk for Supreme Court Justice David Souter, explains:

* The profound ways cultural norms affect our free will;

* Why people may say they like choice, but are actually overwhelmed by alternatives;

* How "personal responsibility" rhetoric often allows people to avoid responsibility;

* Why the free market is not as free as corporations would have us believe; and

* How we tend to obey authority figures, even when we are free to...

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