My life as a teenage mother.

AuthorKaley, Briana L.

NARVON, PENNSYLVANIA -- I had just turned 17 and begun my junior year in high school when the pregnancy test came back positive.

My pregnancy wasn't planned; it just happened. I was taking birth control pills, but obviously they are not 100 percent effective.

Before my son was born, I thought, "It won't be as hard as people say. They just eat, sleep, dirty their diapers, and sometimes need baths." But teenage motherhood has meant great sacrifice.

I stayed in high school, and my grades are great, but only because I took the easiest classes possible, with little homework. After I pick up my son at his sitter's, I have to feed him, clean his laundry, do my own chores, and help around the house.

Then I have to play with Bradley. He doesn't play by himself yet, so he needs to be entertained. After two hours of entertaining, I can give him his bath. But then he gets hungry again, and what about my supper?

After I finish with him, I get to my homework when it's already time to sleep. I don't have spare time, so I can't go out with my friends.

On weekends, I work all day. Most of my income goes to raising my son. I don't go out clothes shopping for myself anymore; it's clothes shopping for Bradley.

It is very rewarding spending time with my...

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