PositionScar Therapy pads from Biersdorf AG - Brief Article

(*) Arthroscopic surgery has done wonders towards cutting back on invasive surgery, but there are still many medical procedures that demand opening up the body and, accordingly, leaving a scar behind as the wound heals. While there is no way short of expensive plastic surgery to get rid of these unsightly marks, it is possible to minimize their appearance.

According to Yale University dermatologist David J. Leffell, author of Total Skin: The Definitive Guide to Whole Skin Care for Life, "If a scar develops that is red or pink in color, raised within the wound area ... it is because the skin is still in a state of repair" Curad Scar Therapy Pads from Biersdorf Inc., Norwalk, Conn., compress the healing skin through pressure, drawing the sides together, thus preventing them from stretching. This reduces the need for extra scar tissue to form beneath the healing skin, and thus "fools" the body into thinking that area has healed. The result is less scar tissue formation, while that which already has formed tends to be narrower, lighter, and less obtrusive.

There are a few minor drawbacks to this process, primarily caused by pads...

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