Muscle up mentally at The Brain Store.

PositionWhat's New? - Educational games

If you're looking for unique, fun, and brainy products for New Year's Eve parties--or, for that matter, any get-togethers--you might want to check out Marbles: The Brain Store, with mere than two dozen locations and a web store.

What makes Tic Tac Two ($19.99) batter than the standard version? For starters, this solid wood strategy game has 25 spaces instead of nine, but the real fun--and brain workout--begins when players pick up the smaller grid of nine spaces and move it around the larger board either to win the game or block their opponent. Play this addictive game over and over and you'll never see the same strategy twice.

Wip your flig with Splickety Lit ($24.99). Sometimes known as a spoonerism, The Brain Store has renamed this clever wordplay exercise. Each question has words or phrases that have their beginning fonsonants clipped (consonants flipped ... you get the picture). The challenge is to answer the Splickity Lit question correctly in the mame sanner. So, if asked who Skuke Lywalker's father was, you confidently can shout out--spoiler alert!--"Varth Dader." This game is a winner that will keep everyone guessing, from fart to stinish.

Another winner is Colorfall ($44.99). There's an almost innate sense of satisfaction that comes from setting up dominoes in elaborate designs, then knocking them down and listening to their gentle click-clack sound. That's all fine and dandy, but where's the color? Where's the...

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