Multi‐step forecasting in the presence of breaks

Published date01 January 2018
Date01 January 2018
AuthorJari Hännikäinen
Received: 21 December 2015 Revised: 12 February 2017 Accepted: 7 May 2017
DOI: 10.1002/for.2480
Multi-step forecasting in the presence of breaks
Jari Hännikäinen
School of Management, University of
Tampere, Tampere, Finland
Jari Hännikäinen, School of Management,
University of Tampere, Kanslerinrinne 1,
FI-33014 Tampere, Finland.
This paper analyzes the relative performance of multi-step AR forecasting methods
in the presence of breaks and data revisions. Our Monte Carlo simulations indicate
that the type and timing of the break affect the relative accuracy of the methods.
The iterated autoregressive method typically produces more accurate point and den-
sity forecasts than the alternative multi-step AR methods in unstable environments,
especially if the parameters are subject to small breaks. This result holds regardless
of whether data revisions add news or reduce noise. Empirical analysis of real-time
US output and inflation series shows that the alternative multi-step methods only
episodically improve upon the iterated method.
density forecasting, intercept correction, macroeconomic forecasting, multi-step forecasting, real-time
data, structural breaks
The medium- and long-term prospects of the economy are
important for consumers, investors, and policymakers. For
example, it is well known that monetary policy affects the
economy with a long lag. As a result, central banks conduct
forward-looking monetary policy; that is, central banks' inter-
est rate decisions are based on their forecasts of future output
growth, unemployment, and inflation. Given the importance
of the medium- and long-term economic outlook, economists
provide forecasts of key macroeconomic time series several
periods ahead in time.
When generating a multi-step forecast, a forecaster has
to decide whether to use the iterated or direct forecasting
strategy. In the iterated approach, forecasts are made using
a one-period-ahead model, iterated forward for the desired
number of periods. A central feature of the iterated approach
is that the model specification is the same regardless of the
forecast horizon. Direct forecasts, on the other hand, are made
using a horizon-specific model. Thus a forecaster estimates a
separate model for each forecast horizon. The theoretical lit-
erature analyzing the relative merits of the iterated versus the
direct forecast methods includes, for example, Bao (2007),
Brown and Mariano (1989), Chevillon and Hendry (2005),
Clements and Hendry (1996b, 1998), Findley (1985), Hoque,
Magnus, and Pesaran (1988), Ing (2003), Proietti (2011), and
Schorfheide (2005). This literature emphasizes that the choice
between iterated and direct multi-step forecasts is not clear
cut, but rather involves a trade-off between bias and estima-
tion variance. The iterated method uses the largest available
data sample in the estimation and thus produces more efficient
parameter estimates than the direct method. In contrast, direct
forecasts are more robust to model misspecification. Which
element—the bias or the estimation variance—dominates in
the composition of the mean squared forecast error (MSFE)
values in practice depends on the sample size, the forecast
horizon, and the (unknown) underlying DGP, and therefore
the question of which method to use cannot be decided ex
ante on theoretical grounds alone. Hence the question of
which multi-step forecasting method to use is an empirical
one. In their empirical analysis of 170 US monthly macroe-
conomic time series, Marcellino, Stock, and Watson (2006)
and Pesaran, Pick, and Timmermann (2011) find that the
iterated approach typically outperforms the direct approach,
especially if the sample size is small, if the forecast horizon
is long, and if long lags of the variables are included in the
forecasting model.
Although the parameters in many of the macroeconomic
time series are unstable over time (Stock & Watson, 1996),
work on multi-step forecasting in the presence of breaks has
been virtually absent from the literature. However, structural
breaks play a central role in economic forecasting (see, e.g.,
102 Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Journal of Forecasting.2018;37:102–118.
Clements & Hendry, 2006; Elliott & Timmermann, 2008;
Rossi, 2013). Forecasting models often systematically under-
or over-predict in the presence of structural instability.There-
fore, one wayto improve their forecast accuracy in an unstable
environment is to use intercept corrections, advocated by
Clements and Hendry (1996a, 1998). Intercept corrections
are based on the idea that if the forecast errors are system-
atically either positive or negative then adjusting the mech-
anistic, model-based forecast by the previous forecast error
should reduce the forecast bias and hence improve forecast
Another issue that has been overlooked in the multi-step
forecasting literature is the fact that key macroeconomic data
are subject to revisions. The real-time nature of macroeco-
nomic time series is potentially important for the relative
performance of multi-step forecasting methods for at least
three reasons. First, because data revisions are usually quite
large, the parameters estimated on the final revised data may
differ considerablyfrom those estimated on the real-time dat a.
Second, data revisions can also affect the dynamic lag struc-
ture of the forecasting model. Finally, real-time forecasts are
conditioned on the first-release or lightly revised data actually
available at each forecast origin, whereas forecasts based on
the final revised data are conditioned on the latest available
observations of each forecast origin.
In this paper, we focus on linear autoregressive (AR) mod-
els. There are two reasons for our choice. First, despite their
parsimonious form, linear AR models typically perform well
in macroeconomic forecasting applications (see, e.g., Rossi,
2013; Stock & Watson, 2003, 2007). Second, it is stan-
dard practice to use the linear AR model as a benchmark in
forecasting exercises.
The main contributions of this paper are as follows. First,
we analyze the relative performance of multi-step forecasting
methods in the presence of breaks through Monte Carlo sim-
ulations. Our comparison includes the iterated and direct AR
models and various forms of intercept correction. We con-
sider several break processes, including changes in the inter-
cept, autoregressive parameter, and error variance. Second,
we take into account in our simulations that most macroeco-
nomic time series are subject to data revisions.1A novelty of
our simulation framework is that data revisions can either add
news or reduce noise (see, e.g., Mankiw & Shapiro, 1986).
The distinction between news and noise revisions allows us
to study whether the properties of the revision process matter
1We use the conventional approach to deal with real-time data; that is, we
estimate the parameters of the forecasting models using data from the latest
available vintage. An alternative estimation strategy is the real-time vintage
approach (RTV). In the RTV approach,t he forecastingmodel is estimated on
first-release data. Clements and Galvão (2013) show that the RTV approach
produces more accurate real-time forecaststhan the standard approach. We do
not use the RTV approach in this paper because it requires more data vintages
than the standard approach and thus reduces the length of the out-of-sample
forecasting period.
for the multi-period forecasting problem. Third, we consider
both point and density forecasts. The existing multi-step fore-
casting literature focuses exclusively on point forecasting.
However, density forecasts contain more information than
point forecasts. Density forecasts summarize the information
regarding the uncertainty around point forecasts. Finally, the
real-time accuracy of the multi-step forecasting methods for
four key US macroeconomic time series, namely real gross
domestic product (GDP), industrial production, GDP defla-
tor, and personal consumption expenditures (PCE) inflation,
is compared. To the best of our knowledge, there are no
other papers analyzing the relative performance of multi-step
forecasting methods in a real-time environment.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.Section
2 introduces the notation and the statistical framework.
Section 3 provides a brief overview of the multi-step forecast-
ing methods. Section 4 presents the Monte Carlo simulation
results and Section 5 presents the empirical results. Section 6
Key macroeconomic time series are published with a lag and
are subject to revisions. For instance, a forecaster at period
T+1 has access to the vintage T+1 values of GDP up
to time period T. In addition, because of data revisions, the
first-released value and the final value for a period may dif-
fer substantially.We incorporate the publication lag and data
revisions into our statistical framework. The statistical frame-
work used in this paper follows that adopted in Clements
and Galvão (2013), Jacobs and van Norden (2011), and
Hännikäinen (2017). It relates a data vintage estimate to the
true value plus an error or errors. More specifically, the period
t+svintage estimate of the value of yin period t, denoted by
t,2where s=1,,l,3can be expressed as the sum of the
true value ̃yt, a news component vt+s
t, and a noise component
In this framework, revisions either add news or reduce
noise. Data revisions are news if they are uncorrelated with
the previously published vintages, cov(yt+k
On the other hand, data revisions reduce noise if each vintage
release is equal to the true value plus a noise. Noise revisions
are uncorrelated with the true values, cov(̃yt,𝜀
We sta ck t he ldifferent vintage estimates of yt,vtand 𝜀t
into vectors yt=(yt+1
t), respectively. Using these vectors we
2Throughout this section, superscripts refer to vintages and subscripts to time
3Following Clements and Galvão (2013), weassume t hatwe obser veldiffer-
ent estimates of ytbeforethetruevalue,̃yt, is observed. In practice, however,
data may continue to be revised forever, so the true value may never be

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