Moving Targets.

AuthorCorcoran, Timothy B.

I trust you've all had a restful summer season, with peaceful days in the office, uninterrupted by ringing phones and last-minute rush requests, interspersed with long days in the sun, enjoying family and fun without constantly checking email to monitor the crisis o' the day. No? I had no such luck either. whether it's our day job or our volunteer efforts, there's always something to keep us busy. Still, I've had the good fortune to attend a few chapter social events, and it's always nice to compare notes and share an amusing anecdote or two with fellow travelers on this journey of ours.

And a journey it is. Recently, a state bar association ruled that law firms are limited in the compensation schemes and position titles that may be used for the professional staff, lest the clients gain the impression that businesspeople are unduly influencing the legal practice. Your LMA leaders collaborated with several other legal associations in writing a letter condemning this ruling, and quite a few law firms have as well. There are numerous ways LMA members add value to law firms and to law firm clients, and as a profession, we should seek even greater influence.

Regardless of our disparate titles and roles, members of LMA are committed to serving the needs of clients--and this can only be done by immersing ourselves in their world. Whether it's pricing legal work to meet the changing demands, providing compelling and on-demand content to clients and prospective clients seeking information about new laws or regulations, offering tools and services that help law firms operate more efficiently, helping lawyers manage their opportunity pipelines and client demands, and...

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