Motions to enter into executive session

Matters Which Will Imperil the Public Safety If Disclosed.

I move to enter into executive session to discuss a matter, which, if disclosed, will imperil the public safety.

Any Matter Which May Disclose the Identity of a Law Enforcement Agent or Informer.

I move to enter into executive session to discuss a matter, or be briefed on a matter, where the identity of a law enforcement agent or informer may be disclosed.

Information Relating to Current or Future Investigation or Prosecution of a Criminal Offense Which Would Imperil Effective Law Enforcement If Disclosed.

I move to enter into executive session to discuss or briefed upon matters relating to current or future investigation or prosecution of a criminal offense which would imperil law enforcement efforts if disclosed at this time.

Discussions Regarding Proposed, Pending or Current Litigation.

I move to enter into executive session to discuss litigation strategy in the case of the XYZ Company v. the ZXY Fire District.

I move to enter into executive session to discuss litigation strategy in relation to a notice of claim filed by John Jones regarding the incident of _______________, 20__.

I move to enter into executive session to discuss litigation strategy in relation to a person or entity that the fire district intends to sue, and that the premature identification of that person or entity could adversely affect the interests of the fire district and its residents.

Collective Negotiations Relating to the Public Employees’ Fair Employment Act.

I move to enter into executive session to discuss ongoing labor contract negotiations with the IALF Local 12345, and:

a) Discuss an offer received; or

b) Discuss formulating the board’s strategy with respect to upcoming negotiations; or

c) Draft an offer for discussion during such negotiations.

The Medical, Financial, Credit or Employment History of a Particular Person or Corporation, or Matters Leading to the Appointment, Employment, Promotion, Demotion, Discipline, Suspension, Dismissal or Removal of a Particular Person or Corporation.

I move to enter into executive session to discuss:

a) The medical history of a particular person.

b) The financial history of a particular corporation.

c) The credit history of a particular corporation.

d) The credit history of a certain individual.

e) The resume and employment history of an individual which may lead to his or her employment.

f) The resume and...

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