Mother's little helpers.

AuthorRandall, Gayle Madeleine

FOLLOWING THE recent surge in media attention on moms and substance abuse, questions are being raised as to the reasons behind this alarming phenomenon--and how to prevent similar incidents from occurring. Starting news stories of mothers abusing drugs or alcohol while caring for children and driving them to activities, or neglecting them while under the influence are becoming more and more frequent. Much of this media attention has put the spotlight on suburban moms and celebrities whose drug and alcohol use have made headline news.

Diane Schuler, a suburban mom from New York. was driving on the wrong side of the road with her children and three nieces while under the influence of alcohol and marijuana, resulting in a head-on collision that killed seven people in July 2009. Her youngest son was the only survivor.

Deborah Bradley, the Kansas City mother of a missing 10-month-old baby, admitted that she was drunk--having polished off a box of wine-on the October night of her daughter's disappearance. Authorities note that on the evening in question, Bradley indicates she did not hear the baby monitor or dog barking, which would have alerted her to a possible intruder in her home.

Other prominent examples in the media include pop star Britney Spears, the mother of two young children, involved in a custody battle in pall because of her alleged prescription drug and alcohol abuse. Actress Melissa Gilbert includes in her memoir that she was drinking up to three bottles of wine a night, until her eight-year-old son begged her to stop. These and many more tragic stories are being reported at an alarming rate.

American life has become fully infiltrated by addiction, as an increasing number of women-especially moms--turn to alcohol, pills, and other substances for stress relief. According to studies, the number of women aged 30-44 years abusing alcohol has doubled over the last 10 years. Specialists are looking into the physical and psychological factors affecting these women, and what this means for more American moms facing similar issues. In my professional experience, physical and psychological "overload" seems to be what most are enduring. Mothers' overly busy schedules sometimes result in them turning to stimulants to keep them going throughout the day. Stimulants also are being used to address the pressures of "keeping their figures," by artificially curbing appetites--at great cost to women's nervous systems and overall health.

On an emotional level, moms often build internal resentment for putting their own activities aside, yet also experience...

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