Most wanted government data revealed.

PositionGOVERNMENT STUDY - Public access laws for government documents

The Center for Democracy &, Technology (CDT) and Open The released "Show Us The Data: The Most Wanted Government Documents," a joint report based on a interactive, user-driven survey that identified the most sought-after unclassified government documents and information. President Barack Obama has issued a call for a more transparent government. The project has been timed to help highlight changes in open government policies now under way at the federal level. Beyond identifying the wanted government documents and reformation, the report includes policy recommendations for making government more transparent.

Results were provided online by the public, who identified the unclassified government information they need or want access to, according to Ari Schwartz, vice president of the CDT. Most respondents cited a desire for more government information online, the report found.

The report provides background on each of the 10 most wanted documents or databases and provides insight into the institutional I challenges and barriers that keep public access laws from being fully implemented. The report also notes that "significant loopholes" in these public access laws have eroded the public's "access and faith in government information."

According to the report, the top-10 most wanted government documents are:

  1. Public access to all Congressional Research Service reports

  2. Information about the use of TARP and...

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