Most Americans want health care reform.


Almost everyone in America--or at least 91%--believes the U.S. health care system is in need of some kind of reform, but that is where the agreement ends, shows a United Press International-Zogby Interactive poll. Of those, 46% maintain the U.S. health care system does not function properly and is in need of major reform, while another 46% believes small fixes are required. Overall, 55% of the respondents give the current U.S. health care system a negative rating, and two-thirds feel likewise about Pres. Bush and his handling of health care issues.

A look at the breakdowns along political partisan lines shows why the nation is split over their opinion of health care--Democrats and Republicans have vast differences on the issue as well as Bush's performance on health care. Some 96% of Democrats find fault with the President's handling of health care, while Republicans tend to be more forgiving--64% give Bush a favorable rating, but 33% score him with poor marks. Some 71% of Independents hit Bush with a thumbs-down on health care, while 26% claim his performance has been positive.

When asked if they trust the Bush Administration or the Democratically controlled Congress more to handle health care issues, 45% put more trust in Congress, while 31% favor the Administration. Another 22%...

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