Most Americans Score "F" On Fat IQ Test.

AuthorUdell, Nancy

While 85% of Americans say they know how to eat right, more than half flunked a basic quiz on dietary facts and weight loss. The MDVIP Fat IQ Survey, conducted by Ipsos, reveals contradictory behaviors relating to obesity and weight management and explores deeper motivations that may stimulate lifestyle changes and offer individuals a higher probability of losing weight successfully.

"Contrary to what most Americans think, they are largely ill-informed when it comes to proper dieting and weight loss," says Andrea Klemes, chief medical officer at MDVIP. "It's easy for people to become overwhelmed by the constant flood of information, which can be confusing. For instance, many people still believe that strength training makes it harder to lose weight, when actually having more muscle helps you burn more calories. As this report shows, Americans need help separating the facts from fiction."

The survey shows a staggering 82% of adults are currently over their ideal weight. When it comes to shedding excess pounds, 83% say that hearing from a doctor that they need to lose weight would motivate them, while 90% indicate they would be influenced if a doctor told them that they have a serious health risk. Yet, only 20% have asked their primary care physician for weight loss help or advice.

"Obesity is a serious disease that warrants medical attention and treatment," stresses Klemes. "Yet, the survey data suggests that Americans aren't tapping into the one resource that could have the most influence on their weight--their physician.

"Time constraints in the exam room are a serious limitation, plus the misconception that obesity is a personal...

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