PositionMarketing executives found to work better in the morning - Brief Article - Statistical Data Included

Coffee isn't the only thing flowing in the morning---so are good ideas, suggests a survey conducted for The Creative Group, a Menlo Park, Calif.-based specialized staffing service providing a comprehensive range of advertising, marketing, creative, and web professionals on a project basis. According to a nationwide poll, 66% of advertising executives find the early hours to be the most conducive to creative thought; just 14% said they were most creative at night.

"Typically, people feel refreshed and relatively free of distractions in the morning, making it an ideal time for brainstorming sessions," explains Liz Hubler, executive director of The Creative Group. "As businesses increasingly depend on original ideas to maintain a competitive edge, they may want to consider holding meetings in the early hours when creativity is at its peak." She provides five tips for effective brainstorming:

Set the stage. Meet in a comfortable setting with few distractions. Consider an off-site location, such as a conference center.

Zero in. Closely define the...

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