More Oil from Azerbaijan: Jurisdiction over Foreign Nationals

AuthorCecil C. Kuhne III
More Oil from
Jurisdiction over
Foreign Nationals
United States v. Bodmer
342 F.Supp.2d 176 (S.D.N.Y. 2004)
On August 19, 2003, an individual by the name of Hans Bodmer (a
citizen of Switzerland) was ar rested while in South Korea on business
for his part in a fraudulent scheme involving the privatization of an
ente rpr ise t housa nds of mil es awa y—th e SOCA R. B odma r’s ap prehe n-
sion stemmed from a federal indictment charging him with conspiracy
to violate the FCPA and with his subsequent attempts to launder the
mounds of money that resulted from his prodigious eorts.

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