Molly Ivins in her own words.

PositionComment - Excerpt

Here are some excerpts from Molly's columns for The Progressive over the last dozen years.

January 1995: Self-description

"I don't have an agenda, I don't have a program. I'm not a communist or a socialist. I guess I'm a left-libertarian and a populist, and I believe in the Bill of Rights the way some folks believe in the Bible."

October 1995: Deregulation

"When last we left that merry band of Republican brothers in Congress, they were deregulating shit on beef."

March 1998: On Clinton's Sex Scandal, I

"I do not believe the President's sex life is any of our business. After thirty years of political reporting, I have been unable to establish a link between marital fidelity and high performance in public office. It really doesn't matter who they screw in private, as long as they don't screw the public."

May 1998: On Clinton's Sex Scandal, II

"With all due respect to the President's private parts, we do have bigger problems in this country."

June 1998: Failure of Democracy

"One reason I really like living in a democracy is that the citizens get what they want. I know you've all noticed the widespread grassroots movement surging with people rallying behind banners that say, 'We want banks and stockbrokers to merge,' 'We love this system of campaign financing,' 'We want dirtier air and dirtier water,' 'We demand tax breaks for the rich,' 'We want fewer services for the rest of us,' 'Don't fix our schools,' 'More downsizing,' and 'Tax breaks for corporations moving to Mexico.'"

February 2000: Cancer, I

"On a personal note: I have contracted an outstanding case of breast cancer, from which I intend to recover. I don't need get-well cards, but I would like the beloved women readers to do something for me: Go. Get. The. Damn. Mammogram. Done."

October 2000: Cancer, II

"I just finished with nine months of treatment for cancer. First they poison you, then they mutilate you, then they burn you. I've had more fun. And when it's over, you're so glad that you're grateful to absolutely everyone. And I am. The trouble is, I'm not a better person. I was in great hopes that confronting my own mortality would make me deeper, more thoughtful. Many lovely people sent books on how to find a more spiritual meaning in life. My response was, 'Oh, hell, I can't go on a spiritual journey--I'm constipated.' "

January 2001: Stolen Election

"These Gore people have no idea how to steal an election. What happened to the Democrats? They used to have some skill at this."

April 2001...

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