A model of Social Rehabilitation Treatment for Juveniles: Cognitive and Behavioral Perspective ‐ Practical Aspects

AuthorJustyna Siemionow
Date01 March 2020
Published date01 March 2020
A model of Social Rehabilitation Treatment for
Juveniles: Cognitive and Behavioral
Perspective - Practical Aspects
By Justyna Siemionow
The article concerns the new model of social rehabilitation treatment of juve-
niles which is based on cognitive and behavioral theory. This theory is the founda-
tion of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The main goal of this manuscript is to
describe the planned and conducted actions within the process of social rehabilitation
of adolescents residing at the Youth Education Center. In Poland, this institution
strictly cooperates with Court. The purposes of this article are: firstly, to present the
theoretical basis for the cognitivebehavioral interventions; secondly, to introduce
the Youth Educational Center as an example of an individual approach to a socially
maladjusted adolescent; and finally, to describe an example of a juvenile’s individual
treatment and its evaluation.
Key words: socially maladjusted, social rehabilitation process, behavioral disorders, new model
of treatment, cognitive-behavioral theory.
The cognitive model describes how people’s perceptions of or thoughts about situa-
tions influence their emotional, behavioral, and psychological reactions. People’s percep-
tions are often distorted and dysfunctional in stressful situations. Juveniles can learn to
identify and evaluate their automatic thoughts and to correct their style of thinking so
that it more closely resembles reality. When this is done, distress usually decreases, and
such a person is able to behave more functionally. Juveniles also learn to identify and
modify their distorted beliefs their basic understanding of themselves, their world and
Professor Justyna Siemionow is with the Institute of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute
of Pedagogy, University of Gdansk, Poland. She has authored of over seventy research articles and three
monographs. Her research activities are focused on: a new model of social rehabilitation treatment of juve-
niles and their families, based on cognitive and behavioral theory, socially maladjusted juveniles and their
rehabilitation process.
Juvenile and Family Court Journal 71, No. 1
©2020 National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges

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