Misguided activism.

AuthorGerard, Mark
PositionLetters to the Editor - Letter to the editor

I was appalled to get my January issue of The Progressive and read about groups demanding that the Ford Motor Company build more fuel-efficient cars (On the Line).

Does the fact escape these organizations that the Ford Motor Company, under the leadership of William Clay Ford, is perhaps the most environmentally friendly car manufacturer? The environmental improvements the company is making are incredible, especially at the newly renovated River Rouge facility. Additionally, Ford Motor Company is one of the most progressive companies when it comes to benefits for gay employees.

Yes, Ford does build some fuel-inefficient cars, but so do General Motors, Chrysler, Toyota, Nissan, etc. The car companies simply build what the customers demand. Evidently, enough customers demand big SUVs that there is a lucrative market for them. Simply refusing to build what the customer desires is not the way to conduct...

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