Misconceptions persist for consumers.


Overwhelming majorities of Americans say diet and physical activity are personally important to them, and increasing numbers of consumers believe they are doing all they can to achieve a healthful diet, according to the American Dietetic Association's nationwide public opinion survey--Nutrition and You: Trends 2002. "The findings ... indicate that consumer trends that were spotted in the later 1990s are continuing into the 21st century, and appear likely to remain stable for the foreseeable future; maintains ADA spokesperson Chris Rosenbloom, a registered dietician. "Healthful eating and physical activity are both necessary for optimal health, and we all need to incorporate both into our daily lives. This is a message that has clearly gotten through over the past several years."

Among the results of the survey:

* Eighty-five percent of American consumers say diet and nutrition are "important to them personally" the same percentage as in ADA's last survey in 2000.

* Seventy-five percent say that they carefully select foods so they can achieve balanced nutrition and a healthful diet.

* Eighty-two percent say exercise and physical activity are important to them personally, virtually identical to the percentage in 2000.

* Sixty-six percent say they make a conscious effort to engage in exercise and physical activity.

* Fifty-eight percent say they actively seek information about nutrition and healthful eating.

"People are hungry for information on food and nutrition, and they clearly understand that nutrition and physical activity go...

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