Millions untreated for mental illness.


Some 19.9% of adults in the U.S. (45,100,000) have experienced mental illness over the past year, maintains a survey conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Washington, D.C. Moreover, 11,000,000 individuals suffered serious mental illness--a diagnosable mental disorder that substantially has interfered with, or limited, one or more major life activities--in the past 12 months

In addition, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health reveals that 8,-400,000 adults had serious thoughts of suicide in the past year, 2,200,000 made suicide plans, and 1,000,000 attempted suicide. The survey also asserts that 8,900,000 people with mental illness have a substance use disorder. Among those with serious mental illness, 25.7% had a substance use disorder in the past year--as compared to 6.5% experienced by individuals not suffering from serious mental illness.

"Too many Americans are not getting the help they need, and opportunities to prevent and intervene early are being missed," observes administrator Pamela S. Hyde. "The consequences for individuals, families, and communities can be devastating. If left untreated, mental illnesses can result in disability, substance...

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