Crowley Micrographics announces: Crowley Micrographics acquires Mekel Technology, Houston Fearless and Extek product lines.

PositionPress Release

Frederick, Maryland--September 03, 2003--Crowley Micrographics, Inc. (Crowley) announced it has purchased of the assets, including inventory, of Mekel Technology, Inc. (Mekel) from the HF Group. Terms of the acquisition, which was completed and effective August 29, 2003, were not disclosed. Both Crowley and HF Group are privately held. At the same time, Crowley purchased from HF Group the exclusive rights in and exclusive distribution of the Houston Fearless film processor and Extek Microsystems microfilm product lines.

A new wholly owned subsidiary, Mekel Technology, Inc. (a Maryland corporation) has been formed by Christopher Crowley and Patrick Crowley, co-owners of Crowley, to operate the Mekel business. The new subsidiary will be located in Frederick, Maryland. Mekel's manufacturing facility will remain in California but move to a new location in Pomona. "The purchase of Mekel will benefit present and prospective Mekel users," said Christopher Crowley, president, Crowley Micrographics. "Customers don't have to worry about new sources or newcomers to the industry. They can look forward to the same service as before and from the same people. We know the product line well and the industry knows us." The newly-acquired Houston Fearless and Extek product lines will be marketed by the new Houston Fearless and Extek Microsystems divisions of Crowley

About Crowley Micrographics

Crowley was started in 1980 by Jerry Crowley, who passed away in 1996. His sons, Christopher Crowley and Patrick Crowley, are co-owners of the firm. Crowley has been a distributor of a varied line of first analog (microfilm) and now also digital imaging products. Additionally it provides parts and services for these products. Crowley also is the exclusive North American distributor of Zeutschel (Germany) scanners, micrographic and hybrid equipment. Zeutschel library cameras and scanners are considered to be the top-of-the-line in their fields and are found in major libraries around the world. Patrick Crowley said the Mekel and Zeutschel analog and digital lines are complementary and compatible. The acquisition has created one major player with a proven track record of performance and quality in both analog and digital preservation. The film-based industry knows we are not a or startup. We've been around for 25 years and look forward to the next 25". Crowley has other offices in Charlotte, Philadelphia, Gettysburg, Phoenix, Toronto, Atlanta, Denver, New Orleans...

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