Message from the Editor
Citation | Vol. 37 No. 3 |
Publication year | 2015 |
Author | Naghmeh Bashar |
Naghmeh Bashar
"The timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness. And knows that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream." -Khalil Gibran, The Prophet.
Three years ago, I said Ní Háo to you, as my journey began in China as your new editor. Over the last three years, while in this new country, I was lucky to be asked to remain as your editor. The communication I have had with our authors, readers, editors, publishers, vendors, contributors, and supporters, over the last three years in addition to the relationships built, have helped make this journey even more remarkable. Time has surely passed quickly, as it is now the end of my journey in China and yet another beginning is upon me, as I return to California. As the quote above states it perfectly, these three years have created lasting memories with dreams today of all that is possible back home in San Diego, and in the future. Excited for the possibilities.
When I began writing this message, I thought it would also be the end of my journey as your editor, as this message was to be my last. However, to my surprise and appreciation, FLEXCOM's new Chair, Vanessa Kirker Wright, whose leadership begins at the end of our annual State Bar of California meeting in October, graciously entrusted me as your continued editor for one more year. Vanessa has assigned a continued and terrific team to work with me on your Family Law News!
I look forward to obtaining and publishing excellent articles to help make all areas of family law clearer and better understood for all of us, so that we may all grow from their reading in our practice and toward our goal to bring some organization to the chaos our divorcing clients and their children may be experiencing. Please let me know if there are areas you would like covered and I will search for volunteer authors to continue making our publication the great one that it is.
I am not sure if you knew this, but if you are a published author with the Family Law News, and your article was originally written for our publication, not only will over 4,000 readers in California and surrounding states see your article and learn from you, but per MCLE Rule 2.83(c), a published author of an article on a legal subject can automatically claim one hour of self-study MCLE credit for each hour he or she spends preparing the written material. (There are a few limitations.) Therefore, this is an added incentive for...
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