Message from the Editor

Publication year2019
AuthorNathan W. Gabbard
Message from the Editor

Nathan W. Gabbard

Autumn has always been my favorite season. Even as a child growing up, I always looked forward to the crisp chill of the first fall breeze, the familiar smell of leaves changing color and dropping from the trees, and the shortening of daylight as the relentless heat of summer softly melted away. Some might say that spring is more commonly thought of as the season of change. But, as The Byrds sang, to everything there is a season. And fall brings with it a full display of changes of its own.

This autumn edition of the Family Law News brings with it a full display of critical commentary and friendly refreshers. As always, our contributing authors provide a broad range of interesting perspectives.

When it comes to matters involving high-income individuals, routine issues such as child support and monthly expenses require a specialized approach. Mr. John Chason presents a thorough synthesis of recent case law as it relates to calculation of child support involving a high-income earner and the relevance of the support recipient's historic expenses.

As the law evolves around what constitutes "abuse" under the DVPA, practitioners and judicial officers are tasked with staying abreast of the developments. Ms. Janet Frankel outlines many of the most recent changes and clarifications in case law involving domestic violence. She provides a...

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