Message from the director.

AuthorBarkey, Patrick M.
PositionBrief article

Trying to record and describe business activity across the state of Montana is a little like trying to track the flight of a small number of bees amidst a larger swarm. There's always a story--usually a good one. But it is buried within a larger, vibrant overall economy whose developments are almost impossible to convey adequately in the same way.

In much of economic analysis, and especially in forecasting, we never get close enough to that swarm to even distinguish the individual bees. Much of economics is the view from 30,000 feet, looking at the big picture trends for industries, regions and the entire economy, with little to say about any individual business. We think that's useful. Changes in the business environment as a whole are important for all of us, even if it is just part of the puzzle presented to businesses and other organizations each day.

But since business growth does occur one business at a time, we are pleased to include in this issue of the MBQ some insights on how that is happening with smaller businesses in...

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