Membership Drive Underway in Canada.

PositionRecruitment - For FEI - Brief Article

Paulette Kirkey, who heads member recruitment for FEI Canada, sent the following report about this year's Canadian membership drive:

"Our membership year is off to a good start. First of all, we send our thanks to all the chapter directors and membership chairs who helped us track down missing members. With your help, we are managing to keep the attrition rate below 4 percent -- half of what is was last year, and the lowest in recent history.

"Pierre Matuszewski, our past chairman, is spearheading the nationwide membership drive this year. On Sept. 20, he chaired a teleconference for the membership chairs that was so well attended that several chapters sent more than one delegate. The team hammered out the logistics of kicking off this year's recruiting program. The result has been that invitations and membership kits have been sent to over 300 senior financial executives in the largest and most successful companies across the country. Be ready to welcome them to a chapter event coming soon, In addition, the national office staff is working hard to build up a new list of future members for each chapter to draw on in their recruiting efforts.

"In addition to...

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