Meeting kids' bedroom needs.

PositionYouth - Brief Article

A study by the American Furniture Manufacturers Association reveals that, while children spend a lot of time in their rooms, boys and girls are busy doing different things. Accordingly, what sort of furniture works best for them?

Carrie is 10 years old and in the fifth grade. She likes to read and talk to her friends online and on the telephone. She sends e-mail to her grandparents and pen pals, and writes in her journal each day. Carrie may be the typical tween girl. She spends a lot of time in her room with friends as well as by herself. Her bedroom furniture and accessories should accommodate her hobbies and interests, so parents should take the following under advisement:

* Girls want a stylish place where they can hang out and sleep, as well as entertain friends. Consider a trundle bed, daybed, or bunk bed for sleepover guests.

* Because girls are likely to spend time in their rooms studying and reading, they will appreciate a desk to organize their schoolwork and other hobbies. This piece can even move with them into their first dorm room or apartment.

* It is possible to achieve even greater storage with an armoire providing space for playthings, a television set, or computer system, in addition to clothing.


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