How to meet the press: knowing how to hold a good press conference can help you get your message out.

AuthorRose, Gene

Participating in or holding a press conference is an important tool for influencing media coverage and connecting to the public. It allows a legislator to present or argue viewpoints, announce important information and develop personal relationships with the media. For the reporter, it provides a setting to ask questions, get direct answers and clarify information. Press conferences provide an opportunity to reach a broad group of reporters.

When deciding if you should hold a news conference, ask yourself the following questions. Is your story newsworthy, timely and of interest to the media? Does the press conference offer reporters special advantages, such as direct access to legislators, issue experts and important visual aids? Unless your answers are yes, your message may most effectively be delivered with a press release. Press conferences involve a large amount of resources and external time commitments from a busy, and possibly understaffed, group of reporters. Be selective about what news is and is not worthy of a press conference.


* You are releasing important and timely information, such as a budget deficit or surplus.

* You are announcing new legislation that may affect a large group of people or is a key issue on the local agenda.

* You are launching a new public program or criticizing an existing one.

* You are providing the media equal access to a key individual.

* You are announcing and explaining a complex issue that cannot be easily addressed in a press release.


Deciding on the day, time and place for a press conference are important considerations. Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday mornings typically are the best days for reporters to attend. If possible, avoid Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and major holidays. Media organizations may be short staffed on these days and less likely to commit to attending. News issued on these days tends to get lost since fewer people consume news on the weekend.

The best time of day to schedule a press conference is between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. This allows the reporter enough time to meet his or her deadline for the 6 p.m. news or the next morning's newspaper. Try to avoid scheduling a press conference on a day when there may be a lot of competing news events.

Once you have decided when to hold your event, you must pick a location. The room must be large enough to accommodate both print and broadcast media, their video crews (and electrical...

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