Media offer perspective on NCSL's annual meeting.

PositionThe New Legislative Reality - Brief Article

After going to a handful of NCSL's annual meetings, I'd be among those who say there is value in the gatherings, inside and outside the meetings. Some states have found unique ways of dealing with problems faced by others."

--Lucy Morgan, St. Petersburg Times.

"Writing and amending the laws we all have to live under is important work. And, naturally, just like you'd like the best doctor and lawyer for yourself if you need them, you should want the best legislator. Because, trust me, you do need them.... And there is a bunch of stuff to learn at NCSL conventions."

--Bob Bernick, Deseret Morning News.

"Please excuse state Sen./Rep. for being away from home, and on the taxpayers' dime, for the week of July 19-23 while he/she was attending the National Conference of State Legislatures Annual Meeting and Exhibition in Salt Lake City. The NCSL convention is no exotic junket where lawmakers are wined and dined by the rich and powerful and the toughest policy decision...

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