Material Weaknesses in Internal Control in Relation to Derivatives and Hedge Accounting
Author | Hakjoon Song,Sang Mook Lee,Keun Jae Park,Li Wang |
Date | 01 July 2018 |
DOI | |
Published date | 01 July 2018 |
Refereed (Double-Blind
Peer Reviewed)
Material Weaknesses in
Internal Control in Relation to
Derivatives and Hedge
Sang Mook Lee, Keun Jae Park, Hakjoon Song and Li Wang*
Companies can use
derivatives to reduce
their risk exposure and
avoid large fluctuations
in earnings and cash
flows due to changes in
commodity prices, for-
eign exchange rates,
and interest rates. The
notional amount of
outstanding over-the-
counter derivatives con-
tracts has reached $542
trillion by the end of
June 2017 (Bank for
International Settle-
ments, 2017). To
improve the transpar-
ency on public compa-
nies’use of derivatives,
the Financial Account-
ing Standards Board
(FASB) issued the
Statement of Financial Account-
ing Standard No. 133 (FAS133),
Accounting for Derivative Instru-
ments and Hedging Activities,in
1998 (FASB, 1998) that estab-
lished the accounting and report-
ing standards for derivatives, and
FASB has since issued additional
guidance and accounting standard
updates related to hedge account-
ing which are all codified as ASC
815 Derivatives and Hedging.
Under ASC 815, companies are
required to report derivatives as
assets or liabilities on
balance sheet at fair
value. The gains and
losses on certain deriva-
tives (e.g., effective cash
flow hedges) can be
deferred in comprehen-
sive income until matu-
rity if companies can
prove that the deriva-
tives are used to effec-
tively hedge risk rather
than for market specu-
lation. Risk-averse
investors prefer compa-
nies with less volatile
earnings and cash flows
and reward these com-
panies with higher mar-
ket valuations and
lower cost of capital.
By utilizing ASC
815, companies can
communicate to the
market of their effective
use of derivatives in reducing
exposures to commodity prices,
foreign exchange rates, interest
rates, and decreasing volatility in
earnings and cash flows. However,
because of the onerous cost of
testing and documentation
We examined 173 internal control reports
containing material weaknesses (MW) in internal
control over financial reporting related to
derivatives and hedge accounting issues (FASB
codification ASC 815). We found that a majority
of the companies (122) did not properly
implement the ASC 815 accounting rules,
followed by inadequate monitoring and review
(72), insufficient resources (61), incomplete
documentation for hedge effectiveness (49), and
inaccurate valuation (32). We also found that
companies with MW mostly fixed their problems
by process and procedure improvement (205),
training expansion (60), engaging external
specialists (53), and increasing staffing (52). Our
review and discussion of the MW in internal
control related to ASC 815 should benefit external
auditors, management, and regulators. © 2018 Wiley
Periodicals, Inc.
© 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online in Wiley Online Library (
DOI 10.1002/jcaf.22341
The manuscript originally appeared online on 10 September 2018 without complete author
corrections. The article was corrected in both HTML and PDF versions on 29 October. The
publisher of the Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance regrets the error.
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