Masses want reform that makes sense.

PositionHealth Insurance

Some of the largest multi-racial, -ethnic, and -generational faith-based and policy organizations in the country, representing more than 30,000,000 people, gathered in the nation's capital recently to discuss health care reform and mobilize their constituents regarding this national debate. The groups, led by Freedom Federation, agreed on the following statement about health care:

* We believe social justice includes health care reform that lowers the cost, increases quality, and expands choice at the greatest convenience, without moving private health decisions away from the doctor's office and onto the desks of Washington bureaucrats. Individual liberties trump government-imposed obligations. We believe that individuals, communities, and doctors in the free market make better health decisions than government mandates. We believe in incentives, not coercion.

* We oppose funding for abortion. Abortion is not health care. We support the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. Life, no matter how young, is not expendable and, no matter how ill or aged, is not to be weighed on a cost-benefit scale. We support conscience laws protecting hospitals and health care providers from coerced participation in abortion. We oppose government policies pressuring people to forgo or limit treatment because of age or illness. We oppose rationed health care due to age, illness, or based on a government agency's determination of "quality" or "value" of life. Pres. Barack Obama said, "Under our plan, no Federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and Federal conscience laws will remain in place." However, the House of Representatives repeatedly has rejected amendments...

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