Marketing: Teleprospecting For Success.

AuthorMiller, Adrian

Most CPAs are on the phone with clients every day, but often overlook its use as a marketing tool. While you are on the phone, giving clients updates and talking about their accounts, you could be doing some effective teleprospecting for your firm.

Teleprospecting generally is defined as determining the interest a client or prospective client might have in your product or service. By the end of your conversation, you should have an appointment to meet with that client to further discuss the service or, even better, a commitment from him or her to use your service.

"Marketing--in particular, teleprospecting--is an essential tool that every CPA firm should incorporate into its practice," says Brian Mackey, MBA, and president of the National Network of Accountants (NNA). "At the NNA, we include marketing training and support for members and we encourage them to design and implement teleprospecting programs. We have found that CPAs who take the time and make the commitment to teleprospecting significantly increase their revenues," says Mackey.

Following are a few of my suggestions and tips for implementing a successful teleprospecting program.

Set challenging goals. Create a sizeable list of prospects, and try to make at least five new contacts every day. Determine whether you want to reach individuals or businesses that are like the ones you already have or branch out into new industries. The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) at 212-768-7277 ( can provide you with the names of brokers who will sell you lists of potential clients in your region. Or simply go online and use your favorite search engine to find list brokers who can help you.

Give it a personal touch. It's extremely important for CPAs to market person to person. You are selling customized professional services; therefore, it is essential that you build a strong rapport with a potential client. Some firms rely on mailings, brochures, newsletters and advertisements to attract new business. These marketing tools are not enough. If you can't get out and meet with every prospect--and no CPA has the time to do that--then you have to pick up the phone.

Don't be reluctant to call. There are times we all dread picking up the phone to market the firm. Also, many CPAs rely heavily on referrals for new business. But teleprospecting can even help build those referral sources.

If making the first call is difficult, block out a specific time each day to call and talk to...

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