Mark Zorko.

AuthorHeffes, Ellen M.
PositionTatum Partners LLP - Interview

Mark Zorko believes he's had some great mentors early in his career, and would like to think he's done a pretty good job of embracing what they taught him, and has built these teachings into his own leadership practices. He places a high priority on balancing his professional goals with family, nonprofit and athletic interests.

Title: CFO Partner

Company: Tatum Partners LLP, a national firm providing executive services in strategic, financial and technology areas

Born: Cleveland, Ohio, March 11, 1952

Spouse: Sue, for 30 years

Children: Jennifer, 25; Andy, 22

Education: BS, Ohio State University, 1976; MBA, University of Minnesota, 1977. Earned certified public accountant (CPA) designation in 1979. Prior to college, I spent three years in the Marines, including a year in Japan, rising to the rank of sergeant.

Career Summary: Began as a CPA with Arthur Andersen in Minneapolis, and worked up via the controllership ranks at Honeywell International Inc. in Minneapolis and Brussels and Zenith Data Systems, St. Joseph, Mich. Moved into the top financial leadership role as CFO for several manufacturing and high-tech companies about 15 years ago, including Comptronix Corp., Huntsville, Ala., a $180 million public firm in a turnaround and Network Services Co., Chicago (as CFO and CIO). For the past six years, Tatum Partners, in a variety of interim CFO and related roles.


FEI Chapter: Chicago (past president); member since 1990.

Board of Directors Service: Serves as Chair of the Audit Committee for Guardian Technologies International Inc.

Leisure: Triathlons--including an Ironman three years ago. My most memorable was the "Escape from Alcatraz" race, which included a 1.5 mile swim from Alcatraz Island. Also, sailing; volunteering--spent a week in the New Orleans suburbs with a work crew after Hurricane Katrina, and am getting more involved with Opportunity International, a nonprofit that provides micro-finance loans to the poorest entrepreneurs in developing countries.

Time Management: Get up early--it's the best time of day to think and plan. I limit times I access voice/email; it's distracting.

Stress Management: Exercise seems to be a good tonic.

Books Recently Read: Authentic Leadership, by Bill George. He's one of the finest leaders I have ever met. Bill was also helpful early in my career with landing an expatriate assignment in Europe at Honeywell. Living at the Summit, by Dr. Tom Hill, provides a roadmap for establishing...

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