Many federal employees use personal e-mail for work.

PositionGOVERNMENT RECORDS - Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014 - Brief article

The Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014 prohibit federal personnel from using personal e-mail accounts for public business unless messages are transferred to the federal government's system within 20 days.

But federal requirements are not preventing government employees from using their personal e-mail accounts for work, and many who do so are using unsecure technology without considering the security and privacy risks, according to a survey from Alfresco Software.

The survey, which questioned a small sample size of government employees (100), also found that about 33% of them said they used their personal accounts for work e-mail at least occasionally--and nearly 10% said they exclusively use their personal e-mail accounts for work.

The remaining two-thirds of government respondents said they never used...

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