Manuscrits telugu: Catalogue raisonne.


Manuscrits telugu: Catalogue raisonn[acute{e}]. By G[acute{E}]RARD COLAS and USHA COLAS-CHAUHAN. Paris: BIBLIOTH[grave{E}]QUE NATIONALE DE FRANCE, 1995. Pp. 117 + pictures. FF 430 (paper).

The Colas' catalogue of Telugu-language manuscripts in the Biblioth[grave{e}]que nationale is notable on a number of counts. The nucleus of the collection goes back to 1729, when French Jesuits and officials of the "Compagnie des Indes" began to send back materials to the abb[acute{e}] Bignon, "biblioth[acute{e}]caire du roi." In this catalogue--the first inventory of the...

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