Mandating vaccination with unknown indirect effects

Date01 June 2017
AuthorCharles F. Manski
Published date01 June 2017
Received: 14 March 2016 Accepted: 10 August 2016
DOI: 10.1111/jpet.12234
Mandating vaccination with unknown indirect
Charles F.Manski
CharlesF. Manski , Department of Eco-
nomicsand Institute for Policy Research,
NorthwesternUniversity, Evanston, IL
Social interactions make communicable disease a core concern of
public health policy.A prevalent problem is scarcity of empirical evi-
dence informative about how interventions affect illness. Random-
ized trials, which have been important to evaluation of treatments
for noninfectious diseases, are less informative about treatment of
communicable diseases because they do not fully reveal the indirect
preventive(herd immunity) effect of vaccination on persons who are
not vaccinated or are unsuccessfully vaccinated. This paper studies
the decision problem faced by a health planner who observes the ill-
ness rate that occurs when persons make decentralized vaccination
choices and who contemplates whether to mandate vaccination. The
planner’s objective is to minimize the social cost of illness and vac-
cination. Uncertainty about the magnitude of the indirect effect of
vaccination implies uncertainty about the illness rate that a mandate
would yield. I first study a simple representative-agent setting and
derive conditions under which the planner can determine whether
mandating vaccination is optimal. When optimal policy is indeter-
minate, I juxtapose several criteria for decision making—expected
utility,minimax, and minimax-regret—and compare the policies they
generate. I then extend the analysis to a more general setting in
whichmembers of the population may have heterogenous attributes.
I have benefitted from the opportunity to present this work in sem-
inars at the Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, the
Department of Economics, University of California at Santa Barbara,
and the Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics, Univer-
sity of Southern California. I havealso benefitted from the comments
of an anonymous reviewer and associate editor.
Social interactions in treatment response make communicable disease a core concern of public health policy.Spread
of infection creates a negative externality. Preventive administration of vaccines, therapeutic administration of
Journal of Public Economic Theory.2017;19:603–619. c
2017 Wiley Periodicals,Inc. 603
antimicrobial drugs, and separation of infected persons from the general population mayreduce disease transmission.
In a decentralized health care system, infected and at-risk persons may not adequately recognize the social implica-
tions of their actions. Hence, there may be a rationalefor government to seek to influence treatment of communicable
disease. In practice, policies range from quarantines of infected persons to mandatory vaccination to subsidization of
vaccines and drugs.
A prevalent problem in policy choice is scarcity of empirical evidence that are informative about how interventions
affect illness. Randomized clinical trials (RCTs),which have been important to evaluation of treatments for noninfec-
tious diseases, are less informative about treatment of communicable diseases. The classical argument for inference
from RCTs assumes that the outcome experienced by each person or other treatment unit may vary only with his
own treatment, not with those of other members of the population. This assumption—variously called noninterference
(Cox, 1958), the stable unit treatment value assumption (Rubin, 1978), or individualistic treatment response (Manski,
2013)—does not hold when treating communicable diseases. RCTshave limited power to identify the effects of treat-
ments for such diseases.
A leading case is the decision problem of a health planner who must choose a vaccination policy for a population.
Vaccination of a particular person may benefit that person directly by generating animmune response that reduces
his susceptibility to the disease. It may also reduce the infectiousness of this person and thereby inhibit transmission
of the disease to others who are unvaccinated or unsuccessfully vaccinated. Thus, vaccination may have both a direct
preventive effect on the person vaccinated and an indirect preventive effect on other persons. The indirect effect is
often called herd or community immunity.See Fine (1993) and Fine, Eames, and Heymann (2011) for discussions of the
long history and use of this concept in epidemiology.1
An RCT that randomly vaccinates a specified fraction of the population may enable evaluation of the direct effect
of vaccination on illness, but it does not reveal the indirect effect. The trial only revealsthe illness outcomes that occur
with the vaccination rate used in the trial. The outcomes that the population would experiencewith other vaccination
rates remain counterfactual. Yetpolicy choice requires comparison of alternative vaccination rates.2
Attempting to cope with the dearth of empirical evidence, researchers studying vaccination policy have creatively
used epidemiological models of disease transmission to forecast the outcomes that would occur with counterfactual
policies. See, for example, Brito, Sheshinski, and Intriligator (1991), Becker and Starczak (1997),Ball and Lyne (2002),
Scuffham and West (2002), Hill and Longini (2003), Patel, Longini, and Halloran (2005), Boulier, Datta, and Goldfarb
(2007), Althouse, Bergstrom, and Bergstrom (2010), and Keeling and Shattock (2012). However,authors typically pro-
vide little information that would enable one to assess the accuracy of their assumptions about individual behavior,
social interactions,and disease transmission. Hence, I think it prudent to view their forecasts more as informative com-
putational experiments than as accuratepredictions of policy impacts.
With this background, I consider the decision problem of a health planner who observes the illness outcomes that
occur when persons make decentralized vaccination choices and who contemplates whether to mandate vaccination.
In the U.S. federal system, the health planner who decides whether to mandate vaccination typically is a state public
health agency.States may mandate that specific populations be vaccinated against specific diseases.3The usual alter-
native to a mandate is decentralization, with vaccination decisions being made by families, schools, care facilities, and
employers. While it is natural for economists to think of subsidies as an alternativeto mandates, c onsiderationof vac-
cine subsidies as a practical policy has been rare.
1While the usual epidemiological presumption is that vaccines havebeneficial indirect effects, they can in principle have negative effects. Vaccinesbasedon
attenuated live pathogens mayinfect persons other than the recipient. Vaccination may also encourage selection of pathogens towards variants resistant to
thevaccine. These negatives forces are thought to be weak in practice. See Mishra, Oviedo-Orta, Prachi, Rappuoli, and Bagnoli (2012).
2Vaccinetrials can reveal indirect effects in special cases where the population partitions into many isolated groups (also known as clusters) of persons. Then
the members of each group may infect one another but not the members of other groups. In such cases, one can define treatment units to begroups rather
than persons, randomly assign varying vaccination rates to different groups, and use the trial to learn about illness outcomes under alternative vaccination
rates.Hudges Hudgens and Halloran (2008) develop methodology for analysis of RCTs performed in such settings. Loeb et al. (2010) report a trial performed
onisolated Hutterite communities in Canada. However, populations rarely partition in modern societies. RCTshave no identifying power in the polar case of a
fullyconnected society, where social interactions are global rather than local (Manski, 2013).
3Thewebpage describes the mandates in each state.

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