Managing the unexpected.

AuthorAldisert, Lisa
PositionWork Trends - Crisis management ideas - Brief Article

In recent months we've experienced the horror of previously unimagined disasters. It has brought forth the painful realization that preparing for the unexpected is an essential strategic initiative for all organizations. Whether it is a physical disaster or an especially bad earnings release, bank marketers need to be prepared to respond internally to staff and externally to the public. Bad news travels like wildfire. When the bad news is a crisis, it can burn for months or even years.

Crisis management may be housed in any number of departments in your organization. If another area is responsible for it, you need to have a marketing department liaison assigned to any crisis task force. Even if you are a department in a larger bank that has a public or investor relations department that deals with investors and analysts, you are still emissaries of the bank.

A smaller bank, on the other hand, may not have a designated crisis planning area. In this case, pull together a crisis management team and create a plan. No bank is too small to risk being unprepared. A small bank may be at even greater risk if disaster strikes.

The importance of communication

Robin Cohn, crisis management consultant and author of the "PR Crisis Bible," emphasizes the importance of sound communication in effective crisis planning. She recommends that you take time in advance to brainstorm at least five "worst case" scenarios. Go beyond the obvious examples of major accidents or fire, Cohn says. Think about how you would deal with a violent employee or a lawsuit, for example.

Your team should work through detailed action plans of how you would handle each scenario. Importantly, assign people to handle various tasks in advance. Don't forget to assign backups in case any of the designated people are away when the crisis occurs. Importantly, Cohn reminds us to review this plan periodically to assess its current viability.

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