Malls missing out by ignoring seniors.

Consumers over 55 comprise the fastest-growing demographic group and have money to spend, yet they often do not receive as much consideration in the planning and management of shopping malls as younger shoppers, according to Anne L. Balazs, professor of marketing, University of Oklahoma. Older consumers complain that they sometimes have difficulty finding parking close to an entrance; retail and mall personnel aren't always helpful; rest rooms may be unattractive and difficult to locate; and apparel that is fashionable and fits often is hard to find.

"Retailers are missing the boat with older shoppers by placing more importance on fashions for young consumers, fast checkout, credit, and having a wide variety of products," Balazs maintains. Many older people go to shopping malls for reasons other than shopping. Malls have become a place to meet family and friends, have lunch, and maintain fitness with a regular walking regimen. One important consideration in their choice of malls is the presence of an area where people can linger over coffee and have access to bakery goods and other food items. "The more time people spend at malls...

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